Training Exceptional Sales People

Sales Performance Training

Most sales programs involve teaching a series of questioning techniques designed to elicit information from a potential client.

Unfortunately, what should be a dialog often turns into an interrogation. Where sales "professionals" simply regurgitate the facts that they've been forced to memorize, customizing tiny bits of their presentation for the client.

Prospects are frustrated by the lack of listening, sales teams don't close the sale -- and no one truly wins.

What would happen if you fundamentally changed the conversation?

Our sales process is designed to make you and your potential client more at ease, relaxed and comfortable. People buy from individuals that they trust, people they feel are hearing their needs and offering solutions only once the problem is fully understood.

We teach sales professionals how to:

  • Research and plan before scheduling a face-to-face meeting
  • Open each sales call by putting the ball in the potential client’s court and keeping it there
  • Moving the dialog to uncover all you need to know before you position your product or service
  • Actively listen
  • Be patient
  • Differentiate themselves from the competition
  • Manage a team call
  • Close to next steps that are mutually beneficial
  • And most importantly -- be more natural!

This consultative method has been tested and proven successful for hundreds of years. Why? Because not only does it provide the sales professional with the information that they need to make the right recommendation, but because prospects have a higher level of buy-in on the eventual recommendation. It feels more like a partnership than a huckster who is simply prescribing the same solution to each prospect that they meet.

What if instead of becoming salespeople, they suddenly shifted their focus to become strategic influencers: individuals who understand the value of negotiation, mediation and facilitation and how to leverage them in a group sales environment.

Can you even imagine what this would do to your bottom line?

You've always been a big believer in education, and have encouraged your team to extend their knowledge of sales tactics beyond the ordinary. You see the value of changing the conversation so buyers are effectively selling themselves on your solution. For the last 25 years, I've been working with sales professionals, students and educators to hone their listening and communication skills.

All of my knowledge is self-taught, through trial and error and over 20 highly successful years in sales -- 14 of those years with a leading pharmaceutical company training others on these techniques. I've worked with thousands of individuals who were struggling with how to listen more effectively, create questions that further the conversation and leading others in a particular direction.

I love being an educator, but first and foremost -- I'm a salesman. I'm not a trainer who has never been in the field. These tried-and-true techniques have worked for me and for others with great success.

Learn more about my sales performance training and get ready to experience these same extraordinary results. Enter your information below to download a full course list and to immediately view the course outline.